Working Out the Kinks

I'm still working out the kinks of production through blogger and the feed settings.  What I've realized is that a lot of the things that wordpress allows you to do automatically or create processes that then maintain things automatically, you have to maintain manually.  It's not a huge problem, but it's there.  Page header art is coming soon.  The separate pages will have lists of related stories along with blurbs about the stories like jacket covers so readers can get a teaser before diving in.  The RSS will only carry teasers and not full texts, but I still need to work out getting what I feel is the best content for a tease into the portion that appears in the feed instead of just the first few sentences of the story.

The page names are mostly self explanatory except possibly Alternate Worlds and Curio.  Curio started off as Horror, but a lot of what horror has become (mingling and meshing with splatter pulp to the point where they're basically indistinguishable) is not what I write.  A lot of what I think horror was or should be considered, more like the things in a freak show tent or museum of strange and super natural artifacts and tales, is what I feel I am more inclined to produce and I feel the concept of a collection of curiosities is more the speed I am looking for.

Alternate Worlds is a collection whose settings play as much a role in the weave of the story as the characters.  They'll cross genres now and then, but I think I'm okay with that.  There will also be other stories set in the same imaginary places in roughly the same timeline or around the same years.  It'll be fun.  I suppose, the main drag of Alternate Worlds is that the stories contained in that group are not stand alone stories, but parts of greater whole, whereas the other pages will list stand alone tales.

Header artwork for the pages is on its way too.  Be warned, it'll be rough, but I'll do my best and see what escapes the cutting floor.

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